Shift-Left Privacy Compliance Automation

Slash Compliance Costs with Automated Reporting for GDPR

Use’s AI-powered code scanner to continuously track and visualize the flow of sensitive data (e.g., PII, PIFI, and PHI), and effortlessly generate Records of Processing Activities (RoPA) with just a few clicks. This eliminates the manual and highly error-prone processes typically associated with these tasks

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Data Mapping Made Easy

Non-compliance can result in fines from regulators as well as potential disruptions to business operations, damaged brand loyalty, and distrust among customers. Unfortunately, privacy and compliance teams are often short-staffed and find themselves constantly updating outdated data maps due to frequent code changes and the fast pace of development. Additionally, relying on tribal knowledge and coordinating with engineering to document data flows introduces compliance risks, given the error-prone nature of these processes. helps you generate up-to-date Records of Processing Activities (RoPA) and visualizations of sensitive data flows at the speed of development, which is crucial for GDPR compliance — eliminating the manual and highly error-prone processes otherwise used for this task. Additionally, by applying a ‘shift-left’, proactive approach to data privacy, you can receive alerts when new data elements are introduced, based on their sensitivity levels, to ensure that all sensitive data is lawfully and properly processed before any changes are pushed to production


total fines imposed due to GDPR violations in 20231


cost of non-compliance is 2.71 times higher than the cost of compliance2

Harness AI for Unparalleled Coverage and Accuracy

  • Leverage the power of AI for unmatched coverage and exceedingly high accuracy, complementing our scanner’s pre-defined sensitive data definitions encompassing PII, PIFI, and PHI. HoundDog’s AI workflow processes only the discovered tokens (e.g., names of classes, variables, functions, methods, etc.) to determine if they potentially handle sensitive data. The precision rate, based on our testing against a large number of code repositories, was on average around 95%
  • Add custom data definitions or modify the sensitivity levels of pre-existing sensitive data definitions according to your needs

Proactive "Shift-Left" Data Mapping at the Speed of Development

  • Continuously track and visualize the flow of sensitive data, and effortlessly generate Records of Processing Activities (RoPA) with just a few clicks. This eliminates the manual and highly error-prone processes typically associated with these tasks.

Eliminate Surprises

  • Receive alerts when new data elements are introduced, based on their sensitivity levels, and prevent out-of-scope product changes from going live to avoid privacy incidents.

Realize Significant Cost Reduction and Increased Productivity

ROI for automated privacy compliance

For Every200Code Repositories
Time Saved3,200Hours
Productivity Gain1.5Full-Time Employees (FTEs)
Check out our ROI calculator for an estimation tailored to your organization's inputs.

Stop PII Data Leaks at the Source and Automate Data Mapping for Compliance

Through its shift-left approach, helps organizations integrate data security and privacy controls from the start. Start for free or book a live demo to better understand the product’s capabilities and pricing.